Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Geographical Center of the United States, Lebanon Kansas and that Mean Rooster!

It was one of those, "we are complete tourists" moments. We drove all the way to the geographical center of the continental U.S. It was in the middle of nowhere in Northwest Kansas. We had to go one mile north and then one mile west of Lebanon, Kansas. The guys at the gas station just before it said we could camp there if we wanted to and that no one would say anything. They said if we got any grief just let them know. Well, we drove out there, and it was a hoot. There was nothing around but an old, abandoned motel and a mean rooster that kept trying to spur Shae!

Mean ol' thing. It was big and white, with a big crow. It just stood on the nice picnic table and crowed his little cold heart out. He was letting us know it was his territory and we should leave. I would have loved to let the kids run around, it was actually a neat place. There is a nice picnic area and a large monument that says it is the center of the continental United States.

There was a little chapel that we went in and sang songs. Shae preached. He said, "Love God, Love People, that says it all." We all laughed. It was great to see that Jesus is still in the center of the U.S.

Gabriel loved looking at the cows in a nearby field. I wanted to shoot the darn rooster and eat dumpling for dinner. He was mean and I wanted to let my kids play. I told Cody to go get his gun, but then someone drove up. Good thing for the rooster, his days were numbered in my book. Two guys drove up on their motorcycles. They were from the area. They said the rooster is the town pest. Anyways, it was fun and now we can say we have been there....  Shae told me he would not have let me shoot the bird. Oh well.


  1. Oh, too funny! And that story you'll remember much more than just visiting the center of the country! :)

  2. We'll have to keep this in mind if we go through Kansas! Fun story!


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